Smile, Jesus Loves You (Little Bibles 2x2.5")
Do You Really Feel Like Nobody Really Cares?
Well God Cares!
He Know All About You and He Sends You This Message
What is a Christian?
Are You a Christian?
After you have answered this question, read the next four Bible verses. Then you will know whether you really are a Christian as taught by the Word of God.
Romans 3:23
Have you ever lied or taken anything that belonged to someone else? Then you have sinned, haven't you?
Romans 6:23
That's right, sin separates us from God.
If we die in our sins, we are eternally lost and forever separated from God. But God offers another way. Since you now admit your sin, and Jesus as the only Way, you can have eternal life free as a gift. This means you can't earn it by being good, or by going to church, or by baptism, or anything else. You simply receive it as a free gift through Jesus Christ, Gods' Son.
John 1:12
Suppose you had an incurable disease, and one day you read of a doctor who had discovered the cure for that disease. Let's suppose he offered to give you this cure free. What would your answer be - receive it and be cured, or refuse it and be lost?
You can have faith that the doctor's medicine will cure you, but unless you receive it personally, you are still lost.
Have you taken the step of faith to receive Jesus Christ personally, as your Saviour?
Revelation 3:20
When the Lord says, "Behold, I stand at the door." He is speaking about the very door of your heart. If your best friend knocked at the door of your house, what would you say to him? You would say "Come in," wouldn't you?
Friend, the lord Jesus is knocking at your heart's door right now. Will you receive Him? Will you invitge Him into your heart and life? What will your answer be?
You can receive Jesus right now if this prayer expresses the desire of your heart.
Lord Jesus, believing I am lost and separated from You by my sins, and You are the only Way to eternal life, I receive you as the Saviour and Lord of my life. Thank You, Jesus, for coming into my heart and life as You promised, Amen.
Which choice did you make? Received? Rejected?
Matthew 12:30
Who is a Christian?
You are a Christian if you saw your need of help, and accepted Jesus as the only Way, and personally invited Jesus Christ to become Lord of your life.
Now that you have prayed and received Jesus, where is He right now?
Answer: He is in your heart and life.
How do you know?
Jesus said, "I WILL come in."
Revelation chapter 3 verse 20, 1st letter of John, chapter 5, verses 11-13.
God can now accept you into His family because all of your sins - past, present, and future - have been placed on His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible says that God was in Christ no longer counting men's sins against them, but blotting them out. For God took the sinless Christ and laid on Him our sins. Then, in exchange, He gives God's goodness to us!
Read these verses in your Bible: I John 1:9, Ephesians 2:8,9, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 10:9,10
Do You Really Feel Like Nobody Really Cares?
Well God Cares!
He Know All About You and He Sends You This Message
What is a Christian?
Are You a Christian?
After you have answered this question, read the next four Bible verses. Then you will know whether you really are a Christian as taught by the Word of God.
Romans 3:23
Have you ever lied or taken anything that belonged to someone else? Then you have sinned, haven't you?
Romans 6:23
That's right, sin separates us from God.
If we die in our sins, we are eternally lost and forever separated from God. But God offers another way. Since you now admit your sin, and Jesus as the only Way, you can have eternal life free as a gift. This means you can't earn it by being good, or by going to church, or by baptism, or anything else. You simply receive it as a free gift through Jesus Christ, Gods' Son.
John 1:12
Suppose you had an incurable disease, and one day you read of a doctor who had discovered the cure for that disease. Let's suppose he offered to give you this cure free. What would your answer be - receive it and be cured, or refuse it and be lost?
You can have faith that the doctor's medicine will cure you, but unless you receive it personally, you are still lost.
Have you taken the step of faith to receive Jesus Christ personally, as your Saviour?
Revelation 3:20
When the Lord says, "Behold, I stand at the door." He is speaking about the very door of your heart. If your best friend knocked at the door of your house, what would you say to him? You would say "Come in," wouldn't you?
Friend, the lord Jesus is knocking at your heart's door right now. Will you receive Him? Will you invitge Him into your heart and life? What will your answer be?
You can receive Jesus right now if this prayer expresses the desire of your heart.
Lord Jesus, believing I am lost and separated from You by my sins, and You are the only Way to eternal life, I receive you as the Saviour and Lord of my life. Thank You, Jesus, for coming into my heart and life as You promised, Amen.
Which choice did you make? Received? Rejected?
Matthew 12:30
Who is a Christian?
You are a Christian if you saw your need of help, and accepted Jesus as the only Way, and personally invited Jesus Christ to become Lord of your life.
Now that you have prayed and received Jesus, where is He right now?
Answer: He is in your heart and life.
How do you know?
Jesus said, "I WILL come in."
Revelation chapter 3 verse 20, 1st letter of John, chapter 5, verses 11-13.
God can now accept you into His family because all of your sins - past, present, and future - have been placed on His Son, Jesus Christ. The Bible says that God was in Christ no longer counting men's sins against them, but blotting them out. For God took the sinless Christ and laid on Him our sins. Then, in exchange, He gives God's goodness to us!
Read these verses in your Bible: I John 1:9, Ephesians 2:8,9, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 10:9,10